Hello boys and girls, welcome to another episode of the Motorcycle Men!!!
First things first… Don’t forget to get over to Patreon and throw some money at the show. We’re looking to add some video equipment so we can start producing a video podcast! Just what you need to see! Our ugly mugs telling you about stuff! We’re also trying to get our t-shirts and the live streaming off the ground, so your help will go along way to making things like that happen.
Where’s Woody??? We have no idea!! We’re a tad concerned that we haven’t seen him in a while and we don’t know where he is. So if you or someone you know has seen Woody, let us know. If this keeps up, he’s going to end up on a milk carton.
In this episode we talk about getting you and your bike ready for the colder weather….
Flambeau Battery Powered Heated Socks – A motorcycle Men favorite
First Gear Thermo suit – another fav
Wireless Heated Gloves from Sharper Image
Milwaukee Heated Jackets at Home Depot!!
IMS show coming up next week!
We also had a guest!! Larry Marshall from the V-Twin Blogger joined us to tell us about his blog and his winter riding in Minnesota.

We also talked about the many, many, many oddities and roadside attractions in Minnesota.
We are giving away stuff!!!!!
Draw us a picture of your motorcycle and we’ll pick the three best ones. The best one will win a FirstGear Tank Bag, Second and third places will win a One Year Subscription to REVER motorcycle GPS App!! Each of our three entrants will also get a Motorcycle Men Sticker to proudly place on the front door of their house!! So get your pencils out kids and show us what you got. Once you have drawn the picture of your bike, take a picture of it and post it to our facebook page “Motorcycle Men Podcast” OR email it to us at motomenpc@gmail.com. We look forward to seeing your talents….er…. or whatever.
If you have something you’d like to tell us, complaint, suggestion or something you’d like us to talk about…. anything. Just email us at Motomenpc@gmail.com or visit our website at www.motorcyclemen.us and go to our contacts page and write us a note. We want to hear from you!! Also if you would, go to iTunes and leave us a review to let us know how you feel about the show.
Ride safe kids!!!