Here in Minnesota, we are in the thralls of another frigid winter, and when I say frigid, I mean temperatures averaging between 7° and 10° for daytime highs. This means cars will not start and good luck trying to start your motorcycle.
A few years back, I don’t remember who it was but one of my riding buddies made the comment about having PMS (Parked Motorcycle Syndrome), and I had to admit that it was a pretty clever and appropriate phrase. So how do you get over PMS, well I’m here to offer a few suggestions as to how to get through these long Midwestern months.
Purchase a motorcycle book or subscribe to a motorcycle magazine:
During the winter months is when I usually catch up on the motorcycle magazine subscriptions that would pile up on my bookshelf (over the past year and a half those have turned into digital
magazine subscriptions that I read on my tablet). These magazine subscriptions serve multiple purposes. First I get to look at all the beautiful bikes by custom builders across the country. Second, most motorcycle magazines are filled with ads for parts that at some point I may consider putting on my bike. Books about motorcycles tend to take me to that place that all of us riders can relate to mentally but unfortunately not physically during the winter months but, it’s better than nothing.
If you’re planning on getting any cosmetic work done to your motorcycle now is the time: Winter is the perfect time to call that Custom-Painter that always seems to be busy from April to November. This also goes for custom seats, motorcycle shops, and dealerships. Winter is their off-season as well and pricing may be better too.
Go to your local motorcycle shop or motorcycle bar:
There’s a saying that “misery loves company”, well, in this case, sitting down and shooting the breeze with folks that are in the same predicament as you tends to help. They feel your pain, they understand your pain, and they won’t make your pain worse.
Plan your summer road trip:
Winter is the perfect time to begin planning your summer rides. If you’re like me you have a little extra time on your hands in the winter so now is the time get on your computer, go to the bookstore or go to AAA, check out some maps, and start planning your next trip. A few years ago, believe it or not,t I actually started watching NASCAR and I’ve had the opportunity to go to a few tracks but never actually see a NASCAR race so this winter I’m planning a trip to a NASCAR event in the spring.
Go sit on your motorcycle:
Believe it or not going into your garage to sit on your motorcycle is really therapeutic, hell if you’ve got a TV in your garage or you can get your hands on the tablet (and your garage as heated) sit on your bike and watch a TV show and you’ll be amazed at how you feel afterward.
I want to end this post with one thing you definitely should not do. Do not start your motorcycle and let it run for 15 to 20 minutes or sit and rev it, doing so will create condensation throughout your bike, which leads to corrosion.
Hope this little bit of advice helps you stay warm and get through Parked Motorcycle Syndrome.
Ride or Die!

The V-Twin Blogger
That would a been me that came up with saying of PMS We sufferbad here in Ohio too